If your job demands of you to be on foot 24X7 then you must stay as comfortable as possible all the time. Hence, you must find the best and the most comfortable shoes for yourself, which you can wear during work. Then, the best choice for you would be the walking shoes . These shoes are affordable, comfortable and are available in all sizes that can fit every style of feet. The type of shoe you choose to wear will depend on your requirement. Whether you want to go for something casual or dressy will depend entirely upon on you. These shoes come in different colours, which you are surely going to like. Masai Benefit Technology (MBT) shoes are marketed as the anti-shoe by the manufacturers as they are supposed to mimic barefoot walking. The claim that they mimic or simulate barefoot walking due to the rocker on the sole. The shoes design was inspired by the native Masai people of Africa who have a very upright posture and a gait or walking pattern that is very much like flowing...